2025 Official Rules & Regulations
These rules are for Derby participants only, Mineral Lake is open to the public.
Derby Tickets are $10 per person. Raffle Tickets are $2 each.
Derby registration & ticket purchases can be made during the Derby at the following locations:
Lions/Legion Community Building (LLCB), Lions Den Campground (LDC), and the Public Boat Launch (PBL).
- The Fishing Derby officially begins, Saturday, April 26, 2025 12:01am (No fishing before).
- The Official weigh-in for derby closes Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 11:00am.
- In compliance with the State of Washington ALL boats participating in the Derby MUST register before launching into Mineral Lake (Please review the Public Notice).
- All participants MUST purchase their Derby tickets BEFORE their fishing line hits the water.
- All participants who are 15 and older are required to have a valid Washington State Fishing License & a State issued Photo ID or be accompanied by an adult with a valid State issued ID.
- Children under 15 MUST be accompanied by an adult with a valid State issued ID.
- Participant MUST take the fish they wish to enter to official weigh-in tent.
- Winning fish MUST be caught in Mineral Lake during the Derby.
- Winning fish will be determined first by weight, then length, and finally by girth.
- Any person entering a fish into the Fishing Derby MUST be willing to submit that fish for inspection.
- Judges reserve the right to refuse ANY fish.
- Participants are limited to winning only one Derby prize.
- Winners MUST be present to claim their Derby prize.
- Decisions by our judges will be binding and final.
- All non-winning derby tickets will be eligible for the “Second Chance Bucket Drawing” after the Derby Winners are announced.
- All prizes must be accepted as awarded and have no other surrender value.
- All winners are responsible for their own taxes and license.
- Prize Winners are responsible for taxes. If a minor wins a prize, the parent or guardian is responsible for the taxes.
- ALL prizes not picked up by 3:00pm on Sunday, April 27, 2025, will be forfeited.
- Participants agree to abide by the Official Rules and Regulations and agree that failure to comply with any of the rules will result in automatic disqualification, and forfeiture of all prizes/recognition as a prizewinner.
- Please use common sense and courtesy and respect to others and your surroundings.
- There will be no refunds if the Derby is cancelled.
Each participant, upon registering to participate in the Mineral Lake Fishing Derby, agrees to hold the sponsors, organizers, and event volunteers harmless from any liability of any nature and kind for any injuries and or damages suffered during or after the period of the Fishing Derby
All participants agree to give the Mineral Lake Fishing Derby and Mineral Lake Lions Club/Foundation full rights for promotional or commercial purposes of their likeness in any photograph and or video taken during the Mineral Lake Fishing Derby.
Participants must act and behave in an orderly manner and be responsible for their actions.
Participants agree to abide by the Official Rules and Regulations and agree that failure to comply with any of the rules will result in automatic disqualification, forfeiture of all prizes/recognition as a prizewinner.
The organizers reserve the right to amend, add to, remove or otherwise change any of the rules and regulations for this contest, without prior notice, if it is deemed by them to be in the best interest of all parties involved in the derby.
By purchasing a Derby Ticket and entering this Derby, you are accepting these rules.
**Event Locations
LDC – Lions Den Campground (113 E Front Street)
LLCB – Lions/Legion Community Building (108 E Front Street)
HQT – Headquarters Tavern (112 E Front Street)
MLM – Mineral Lake Market (1014 E Front Street)
SBL – State Boat Launch (Click Here)